Jeremy French

My Site, still on Jekyll, now powered by github pages

NB: these are the bits that I am learning on top of what I know so may not be very comprehensive.

Command line

systemctl suspend to suspend from cli


kitty overview




This section is mostly notes from LazyVim for ambitious developers

Space Space is similar to Shift Shift in phpstorm

Press esc if you need to enter and a snippet is selected

` /` does whole project grep!

ctrl+z suspend and fg to return (look into fg and bg)


type for fuzzy search

esc for normal mode then can navigate with hjkl

s to allow fast picking

cntrl dufb to scroll the preview window


LazyVim default register is system clipboard

To paste when inserting Ctrl+R then +`

P to insert before the cursor.

" to open a named register "xyy save line to register x "xp to paste it.

can use delete x or d to delete and store in register.

Capital register name will append to register

Spell check

This guide is good

` us` to turn on spellings.

[s and ]s to search.

z= to list possible words

zg adds a word to the word list.

Visual mode

enter with v but also V to select a line.

Commands work in visual mode, w to select word for example

o to go to the other end of the selected area.

V to go into a line wise visual mode.

Control-v for block visual mode.

Widows tabs etc

Lazy vim doesn’t use tabs by default so tabe q gT will work but are not the way

What look like tabs are ‘buffers’

H and L (uppercase left and right) to switch between buffers

also :bprev and :bnext

` ,` space comma to bring a list of open buffers if there are too many.

` b` gives a buffer ‘sub menu’ with options.

` bd` close buffer

windows = splits

` w` to show sub menu

ctrl+ nav keys hjkl to move between them

ctrl+w also fast to window menu

ctrl+w q to quit window.

Tabs work differently, bunch other things together.


m then letter to bookmark (capital letters are global) ' then letter to go to bookmark

'' to go back one

Code folding

zc close fold

zo open fold

Code assistance.

gd go to definition (not tabs)

gr go to reference list.

go back ctrl+i forward again ctrl+o

` ss` Search Symbols (in file)

` cs` to open tree view for current file

` xx to open the browser then [q and ]q` work for browsing issues.

crl+j to go to issue browser window. Enter to jump to issue

` ca` open up fixes window.

K for Kontext help.

gc for commenting. works with commands gc5 then enter for five lines gc% to comment out matcing brac S gives smart search options.

= to fix indentation =S to choose area to fix.

` gs` git status file picker.

` gh` staging changes

` gg` open lazygit if installed


start lynx -cfg=.lynxrc

q quit

Type a to save a bookmark

Type v to view bookmarks

vit task

vit visual

:help when in it for help.

d done a add a task

task has a lot.